Fig. 4. Genomic and phylogenetic attributes of the Lloviu virus genome sequences presented in this manuscript.
a Annotated Lloviu virus genome sequence from bat derived sample LLOV_378 (Genbank MW775011). Blue bars indicate differences in amino acid sequences and the green bar represents an insertion compared to the Spanish LLOV reference isolate (GenBank: NC_016144); (b) summary table of amino acid coding differences between LLOV_378 and NC_016144; (c) phylogenetic analysis of select complete genome sequences representing four filovirus genera including LLOV_378 (Genbank: MW775011) and LLOV_378P1 (Genbank: MW775010). Sequences are colored by genus Dianlovirus (blue), Marburgvirus (green), Cuevavirus (orange), and Ebola virus (yellow)). Host Taxon name abbreviations: Ro. Rousettus, Ho. Homo, Mi. Miniopterus, Ma. Macaca, Mo. Mops, Ch. Chaerephon.