1 |
Are you the owner of the farm or an employee? |
A |
Owner |
B |
Employee |
2 |
How old are you? |
3 |
What is your educational background? |
A |
Trained farmer |
B |
Trained animal keeper |
C |
Other education |
D |
No education |
4 |
For how many years have you been working with cattle? |
A |
Less than a year |
B |
1–3 years |
C |
3–10 years |
D |
More than 10 years |
5 |
How often do you ship animals? |
A |
Several times a week |
B |
Once a week |
C |
1–4 times a month |
D |
Once a month or less |
6 |
What type of animals do you most frequently ship? |
A |
Calves younger than 3 months |
B |
Calves and young animals between 3 and 24 months |
C |
Adult cattle |
7 |
What is most often the purpose of shipping? |
A |
Fattening or breeding, national |
B |
Slaughter, national |
C |
Fattening or breeding, export |
D |
Slaughter, export |
8 |
How familiar are you with the current legislation regarding cattle fitness for transport? |
A |
I am not familiar with the legislation |
B |
I am familiar with legislation, but do not remember any specific rules |
C |
I am quite familiar with the legislation and remember several specific rules |
D |
I am very familiar with the legislation and remember most rules |
9 |
Do you find it difficult to understand the rules regarding cattle fitness for transport? |
A |
Very often |
B |
Often |
C |
Some times |
D |
Rarely |
E |
Never |
10 |
How did you acquire you knowledge about cattle fitness for transport? |
A |
Through my education |
B |
I was taught by a colleague |
C |
I was taught by a livestock driver |
D |
I was taught by a veterinarian |
E |
It is self-taught |
11 |
Do you think you lack knowledge regarding assessment of cattle fitness for transport |
A |
Very often |
B |
Often |
C |
Some times |
D |
Rarely |
E |
Never |
12 |
On what do you base your assessment of fitness for transport? |
A |
An examination of the animal |
B |
Observation of the animal from a distance |
C |
Earlier observations |
D |
Earlier observations and an examination |
E |
I do not make an assessment |
13 |
How often are you in doubt about an animal's fitness for transport? |
A |
Very often |
B |
Often |
C |
Some times |
D |
Rarely |
E |
Never |
14 |
Have you ever shipped an unfit animal? |
A |
Very often |
B |
Often |
C |
Some times |
D |
Rarely |
E |
Never |
15 |
What do you do with an animal if you doubt whether it is fit for transport? |
A |
Try to ship it anyway |
B |
Ask for the driver's opinion |
C |
Call the vet for an opinion |
D |
Place the animal the stable and wait for the next shipping opportunity |
E |
Place the animal in a sick pen and wait for the next shipping opportunity |
F |
Euthanize the animal |
16 |
Which type of clinical condition are you most doubtful about? |
A |
Lameness |
B |
Body condition score |
C |
Wounds |
D |
Udder lesions |
E |
Other conditions |
17 |
Do you feel able to assess whether the clinical condition a slightly ill or injured animal may worsen during transport? |
A |
Very often |
B |
Often |
C |
Some times |
D |
Rarely |
E |
Never |
18 |
Do you have anything to add? |