Figure 3.
Partners synchronize at both movement and submovement level
(A) Between-subjects PLV spectrum for the in-phase and anti-phase condition (left; mean ± SEM). Polar plots (right) showing the across-couples distribution of the mean phase difference (phase lag) for F0 (top), F1 (middle), and F2 (bottom).
(B) PLV spectra after data stratification (at the group level) on F0 (left) and F1 (right). Bar plots show mean PLV in the relevant frequency ranges for the original (middle; n = 30) and stratified (left, n = 14; right, n = 13) data. Error bars indicate ± SEM. ∗p < 0.05, ∗∗∗p < 0.001. See also Figures S1 and S2.