(A) The histologic gland phenotypes observed in BE, from left to right: Atrophic corpus glands containing parietal (), chief (), and foveolar cells(); oxyntocardiac glands containing parietal () and foveolar () but not chief cells; cardiac-type glands containing foveolar () and mucous-secreting cells () only; specialized glands containing goblet (), foveolar (), and mucous-secreting cells (); and mature intestinal glands containing goblet () and Paneth cells (). (B, top) Proportion of gland types within single biopsy specimens, taken from 1.0–2.0 cm proximal of the gastroesophageal junction in observable salmon-pink mucosa. (B, bottom) Proportion of gland types in biopsy specimens taken throughout the BE lesion from patients marked with • in B (top). (C) A summary of the frequency of gland types through all of the single-biopsy cohort. (D) Relationship between specific gland types and the maximum length of the BE lesion. (E) The average phenotypic richness within long vs short BE lesions.