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. 2021 Aug 7;5(2):68–78. doi: 10.1093/jcag/gwab024

Table 2.

Summary of studies included in the meta-analysis*

Author [Ref], year Study design Centres (n) Plastic stent LAMS/BFMS
Mean age (years) Male (%) Etiology: EtOH(%)/ stone(%)/ other(%) Location of WON (%) Stent type Length of FU Mean age (years) Male (%) Etiology: EtOH(%)/ stone(%)/ other(%) Location of WON Stent type Length of FU
Abu Dayyeh, 2018 Obs 1 59.7 77.8 2.8/66.7/ 30.5 72.2 pancreatic/ peripancreatic only, 27.8 paracolic involvement PS (7 and 10 Fr) At least 12 weeks 52.7 77.6 25.9/39.7/ 34.5 84.5 pancreatic/ peripancreatic only, 15.5 paracolic involvement LAMS (Axios 15 mm) (n. 45) 6 cm, 18 or 20 mm diameter fully covered metal stent, Niti-S; Taewoong Medical, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea) (n: 12) At least 12 weeks
Bang, 2019 RCT 1 60.3 55.2 17.2/34.5/ 48.3 20.7 H, 79.3 B/T PS (7 Fr) 24 weeks 55.8 64.5 29.0/19.4/ 51.6 29.0 H, 71.0 B/T LAMS (cautery- enhanced Axios, 15 mm) 24 weeks
Bapaye, 2017 Obs 1 40.7 88.5 60.7/ 27.9/ 11.5 9.8 H, 86.9 B/T, 3.3 perihepatic PS (7 Fr) 6–8 weeks 43.9 86.1 56.9/15.3/ 27.8 11.1 H/ 86.1 B/T, 2.8 perihepatic BFMS (Nagi stent) 6–8 weeks
Chen, 2019 Obs 14 57.0 52.9 17.2/41.4/ 41.4 14.9 H, 66.7 B, 16.1 T PS (size NA) 62.3 weeks 54.0 47.1 26.7/42.6/ 30.7 18.6 H, 66.7, 7.8 T LAMS (Axios) 20.6 weeks
Faisal, 2018 Obs 4 PS (size NA) 54 weeks LAMS (type NA) 54 weeks
Ge, 2018 Obs 1 PS (size NA) At least 19.5 weeks LAMS (type NA) At least 11 weeks
Mukai, 2015 Obs 1 55.9 77.8 63.0/3.7/ 33.3 40.7 H, 33.3 B, 25.9 T PS (7Fr) NA 54.4 86.0 62.8/11.6/ 25.6 16.3 H, 46.5 B, 37.2 T LAMS/BFMS (10- and 15- mm Axios; 16-mm Niti-S, and 12-mm Hanaro) NA
Sahar, 2017 Obs 1 53.2 56.0 20.0/48.0/ 32.0 PS (7Fr, 3 cm) ~34 weeks 51.2 68.0 16.0/52.0/ 32.0 LAMS (Axios, 10 mm [56%] and 15 mm [44%]) ~28 weeks
Siddiqui, 2017 Obs 2 56.3 64.2 34.0/34.0/ 32.0 17.9 H, 82.1 B/T PS (10 Fr) 24 weeks 51.5 89.3 32.6/46.5/ 20.9 4.7 H, 95.3 B/T LAMS (10 and 15 mm Axios) 24 weeks

B, body; BFMS, biflanged metal stents; EtOH, alcohol; Fr, French; FU, follow-up; H, head; LAMS, lumen-apposing metal stents; NA, not available; Obs, observational; PS, plastic stents; RCT, randomized controlled trial; T, tail.

Baseline characteristics for plastic stents and LAMS/BFMS groups.

This study had a third group treated with self-expandable metal stents, but the data from this group were not extracted for this meta-analysis.