Figure 2.
ERF.F12 represses the transition to fruit ripening and affects shelf life in tomato. A and B, Relative ERF.F12 transcript levels, in fruits at the Br stage in WT, ERF.F12-OE (A), and ERF.F12-RNAi lines (B), as assessed by RT-qPCR. ERF.F12-OE-A, -B, and -C are three independent ERF.F12-overexpressing lines. ERF.F12-RNAi-A, -B, and -C are three independent ERF.F12-RNAi lines. Asterisks indicate statistical significance using Student’s t test, P < 0.05. C, Time from anthesis to the Br stage in WT, ERF.F12-OE, and ERF.F12-RNAi lines. Asterisks indicate statistical significance using Student’s t test, P < 0.05. D, Different ripening stages in WT, ERF.F12-OE, and ERF.F12-RNAi lines. Fruits from overexpression lines show a delayed ripening phenotype while RNAi lines ripen earlier. E, Ethylene production in WT, ERF.F12-OE, and ERF.F12-RNAi fruits at different ripening stages. Values represent means of at least 15 individual fruits. F, Accumulation of carotenoids in WT, ERF.F12-OE, and ERF.F12-RNAi lines at different ripening stages. G, Genotype and different ripening stages in WT and mutant lines (erf.f12-1 and erf.f12-2) generated by CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing. The protospacer adjacent motif is underlined. Fruits from two independent lines show an earlier ripening phenotype. H, Time period from anthesis to Br in WT, erf.f12-1, and erf.f12-2 mutants. Asterisks indicate statistical significance using Student’s t test, P < 0.05. I, Fruit firmness in WT, ERF.F12-OE, and ERF.F12-RNAi lines at the Br + 7 stage. Average values were calculated for 20 individual fruits. Asterisks indicate statistical significance using Student’s t test: *P < 0.05. J, WT, ERF.F12-OE, and ERF.F12-RNAi fruits were harvested at the Br + 7 stage and photographs were taken after storing the fruits at room temperature for 20 days. K, PLW in WT and ERF.F12 transgenic fruits. The weight loss per fruit was measured every 5 days over 30 days of storage. Data are shown as means ± standard deviation (sd) (n = 20).