Figure 4.
Relative expression of ripening-related genes in WT, ERF.F12-OE, and ERF.F12-RNAi lines during the ripening process. A, Relative ERF.F12 expression in WT, ERF.F12-OE, and ERF.F12-RNAi lines. B–K, Relative expression of ethylene biosynthesis genes ACS2 (B), ACS4 (C), ACO1 (D); carotenoid synthesis genes PSY1 (E); fruit softening-related genes PG2a (F), PL (G); ethylene-responsive genes E4 (H); and ripening regulators RIN (I), NOR (J), and CNR (K) in WT, ERF.F12-OE, and ERF.F12-RNAi lines. Total RNA was extracted from the indicated fruits at different ripening stages (39, 41, 43, and 47 DPA). Relative mRNA levels of each gene in WT at 39 DPA were normalized to 1, using SlActin gene as an internal control. Data are shown as means ± sd from six biological replicates. Asterisks indicate statistical significance using Student’s t test, P < 0.05.