Geometries and relatives stabilities for the reactants, rate-limiting
transition states, and final products for the four proposed mechanisms
for acetal cleavage calculated with PCM(H2O)/M06-2X/6-31+G(d,p):
water-assisted hydrolysis (pathway A), neutral amine-assisted hydrolysis
(pathway B), charged ammonium-assisted hydrolysis (pathway C), and
water-assisted aminolysis (pathway D). Relative free energies (ΔG and ΔG⧧) are
given in kcal·mol–1 and interatomic distances
in angstroms. Hydrogen bond interactions are shown as dotted red lines.
Breaking/forming bonds on the transition states are shown as dotted
green lines. The whole computed reaction pathways C and D are available
in the Supporting Information (Figure S30).