(a) Representative
image of SARS-CoV-2 particles exposed to Hyp,
acquired for the analysis of single-particle intensity. Scale bar
5 μm. (b) Observed probability distributions of single viral
particle fluorescence intensity obtained for the same amount of SARS-CoV-2
exposed to 5 nM (gray), 10 nM (red), 20 nM (green), 30 nM (blue),
40 nM (cyan), 50 nM (magenta), 70 nM (yellow), 90 nM Hyp (orange). N is the number of analyzed viral particles for each distribution.
Bin width = 10 au (c) Average values of single viral particle fluorescence
intensity measured at increasing Hyp concentration. The red line shows
the result of the fitting with a binding model. Reported Hyp concentrations
refer to the incubation with SARS-CoV-2.