Cell counting results from three different U2OS cell seeding densities and the different imaging modalities. Each of these seeding densities includes two wells at the low (A1 and B1), medium (A2 and B2), and high (A3 and B3) cell densities defined in Section 4.2. Positive deviation indicates the segmentation method produced higher cell counts than manual counts, whereas a negative deviation indicates the segmentation method produced fewer cell counts than manual counts. The box plots on the right show the summarized absolute deviations from manual counts for each of the different imaging modalities. The notches for all three box plots overlap and thus the true medians do not differ with 95% confidence. Overall average deviations for each imaging modality: fluorescence 14.4 ± 13.8%, DPC 13.1 ± 10.0%, and FPM 12.4 ± 10.7%.