White matter fiber tracts are revealed by XPCT in a mouse
brain. The same brain sample is shown in all panels from a
mouse with LPC administration with a focus on normal-appearing
white matter. (A) Sagittal view of single slice;
(B) Corresponding axial view of single slice;
(C) Maximum intensity projection (MIP) of
sagittal view over 35 slices (
), with white matter fiber
tracts annotations; (D) MIP showing the
entanglement between stria medullaris (sm) and the posterior
commissure (pc); (E) MIP showing the entanglement
between stria medullaris (sm) and the fornix (fr);
(F) Sagittal view of single slice;
(G) Corresponding coronal view; (H)
Maximum intensity projection (MIP) of sagittal view over 35
slices (
), with white matter fiber
tract annotations; (I) MIP of coronal view over
35 slices (
), with white matter fiber
tract annotations; Labels: aco anterior commissure, olfactory
limb; act anterior commissure, temporal limb; cc corpus
callosum; cg cingulum; cpd cerebral peduncle; CPu caudate
putamen; df dorsal fornix; fi fimbria; fr fasciculus
retroflexus; fx columns of the fornix; mtt mammillothalmic
tract; sm stria medularis; st stria terminalis; opt optical
tract; pc posterior commissure.; vhc ventral hippocampal