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. 2022 Mar 18;13:858333. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2022.858333

Table 1.

Demographical and clinical characteristics of the study population [modified from Ref. (25)].

Characteristic SUDEP cases
Living epilepsy controls
Age—yr, median [IQR] 34 [24, 40] 34 [25, 40] 1.0
Male gender, n (%) 16 (53.3%) 29 (50%) 0.176
Race, n (%) 0.447
    White 25 (83.3%) 43 (74.1%)
    Black/African American 3 (10%) 6 (10.3%)
    Asian 1 (3.3%) 3 (5.2%)
    Other 1 (3.3%) 4 (6.9%)
    Unknown 0 (0%) 2 (3.4%)
Epilepsy classification, n (%) 0.527
    Focal 25 (83.3%) 48 (82.8%)
    Generalized 4 (13.3%) 9 (15.5%)
    Combined focal and generalized 1 (3.3%) 1 (1.7%)
    Unknown 0 (0%) 0 (0%)
Etiology, n (%) 0.583
    Structural/Metabolic 15 (50%) 24 (41.4%)
    Genetic/Presumed Genetic 3 (10%) 8 (13.8%)
    Unknown 12 (40%) 26 (44.8%)
Antiseizure medications on admission, n (%) 0.847
    None 0 (0%) 2 (3.4%)
    Monotherapy 4 (13.3%) 11 (19%)
    Polytherapy (≥2) 26 (86.7%) 45 (77.6%)
Age of onset –yr, median [IQR] 10 [2, 16] 12 [3, 21] 0.571
Disease duration—yr, median [IQR] 17 [12, 33] 14 [5, 29] 0.083
EMU to SUDEP time—yr, median [IQR] 2 [4, 6] n/a n/a
Lifetime tonic-clonic seizure (TCS) frequency§, n (%)
    None 3 (10%) 15 (25.9%) 0.231*
    ≥1, but <6 3 (10%) 15 (25.9%) 0.231*
    ≥6, but <50 5 (16.7%) 5 (8.6%) 0.273*
    ≥50 7 (23.3%) 2 (3.4%) 0.016*
    Unknown 12 (40%) 21 (36.2%) n/a
Outcome of surgical intervention, n (%)
    Engel I 1 (3.3%) 8 (13.8%) 0.264*
    Engel II 1 (3.3%) 5 (8.6%) 0.624*
    Engel III 3 (10%) 2 (3.4%) 0.566*
    Engel IV 3 (10%) 1 (1.7%) 0.324*
    Unknown 4 (13.3%) 1 (1.7%) n/a
Cardiovascular disease, n (%)
    Hypertension 3 (10%) 4 (6.9%) 0.696
    Cardiac arrhythmia 1 (3.3%) 0 (0%) 0.356
    Structural heart disease 3 (10%) 0 (0%) 0.042
    Sleep apnea 0 (0%) 1 (1.7%) 1.0
Psychiatric comorbidity, n (%)
    Anxiety disorder 0 (0%) 7 (12.1%) 0.047
    Depression 2 (6.7%) 16 (27.6%) 0.015
Medication for psychiatric disorder, n (%)
    Antipsychotic 3 (10%) 2 (3.4%) 0.343

IQR, interquartile range; EMU, epilepsy monitoring unit.

Age of onset unknown in two (3.4%) epilepsy controls.

P-value calculated with a two-sample Wilcoxon rank-sum test.


Includes both focal-to-bilateral tonic-clonic seizures (TCSs) and generalized tonic-clonic seizures (GTCSs).


Statistical significance corrected p-value following Holm-Bonferroni adjustment for multiple comparisons. Bold font indicates statistical significance (p < 0.05).