Figure 7.
An activity-dependent form of synaptic competition disrupts cooperativity in CS burst-dependent LTP. A, Ten seconds of TPS delivered to S1 synapses (at time = 0) facilitates the induction of LTP by a 5-s-long train of TPS delivered to S2 synapses (n = 8). B, C, Increasing the duration of S1 TPS trains to 20 (B, n = 7) or 25 s (C, n = 13) fails to enhance LTP induction at S2 synapses. A-C, Traces represent superimposed S2 fEPSPs recorded during baseline and 45 min after S2 TPS. D, Scatter plot represents change in S2 fEPSP slopes (45 min after S2 TPS) from individual experiments. Bars indicate mean values. ***p < 0.001, one-way ANOVA with Bonferroni t test post hoc comparisons (F(2,25) = 76.076, p < 0.001). E, Summary plot showing the effect of S1 TPS train duration on the induction of LTP by a 5-s-long train of TPS delivered to S2 synapses. Points include results from experiments shown in Figures 4 and 5 and control experiments in Figure 6D.