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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2022 Apr 1.
Published in final edited form as: Nature. 2021 Jul 7;595(7868):549–553. doi: 10.1038/s41586-021-03714-w

Extended Data Figure 9 |. LC10a neurons exhibit sparse and selective connectivity in the central brain.

Extended Data Figure 9 |

a, Examples of identified LC10a, LC10b, LC10c, and LC10d neurons in the female hemi-brain connectome30. b, Morphology of all identified LC10a-d neurons (n = 248). c, Correlation matrix of the outputs from all LC10 neurons, sorted by their assigned subtype. Note that individual subtypes have strongly correlated outputs that are largely distinct from the output patterns of other subtypes. d, t-SNE plot of the output connectivity matrix of all identified LC10 neurons, labeled based on the manually assigned subtype. The output connectivity naturally segregates LC10 neurons into four groups. e,f, Same as (c-d), but based on the input connections to LC10 neurons. g, Morphology of all non-optical output neurons from LC10a neurons with at least 10 synaptic connections, grouped based on projections to the LALs (left) versus to the IB (right). h, same as (g), but for non-optical input neurons to LC10a neurons. i, Representative example of trans-synaptic tracing of LC10a neurons in the male using Trans-Tango31. Magenta denotes labeled LC10a neurons, and cyan the labeled post-synaptic partners. Similar results were obtained across 4 male brains. j, Histogram of synaptic weights between all LC10a neurons and their post-synaptic partners. k, Number of input and output synapses to/from LC10a neurons from the 10 most common brain regions (Superior Intermediate Protocerebrum (SIP), Lateral Accessory Lobe (LAL), Superior Medial Protocerebrum (SMP), Inferior Bridge (IB), Superior Posterior Slope (SPS), Posterior Ventrolateral Protocerebrum (PVLP), Posteriolateral Protocerebrum (PLP), Superior Medial Protocerebrum (SMP), Wedge (WED),), (R/L) indicates the right and left hemisphere, respectively.