Figure 1.
Expression level and prognostic value of ADAM12 in GC tissues and cell lines. (A) The relative expression level of ADAM12 between tumor and normal tissues in GC based on GEPIA database analysis (*P<0.05). (B) The ADAM12 relative expression level in the GSE19826 dataset. (C) The correlation of ADAM12 expression and overall survival (OS) duration in GC patients. (D) The representative immunohistochemical (IHC) staining images (left panel) and score (right panel) of ADAM12 in GC and adjacent non-tumor tissues from a tissue microarray containing 63 paired GC tissue samples (***P<0.001). (E) Kaplan-Meier survival curve of OS for the high and low ADAM12 expression groups based on IHC score from a tissue microarray. (F and G) mRNA and protein expression of ADAM12 in the human gastric mucosal cell line GES1 (control cell line) and five GC cell lines AGS, MKN28, MKN45, HGC27 and MKN1 (*P<0.05; **P<0.01). ADAM12, a disintegrin and metalloprotease 12; GC, gastric cancer; STAD, stomach adenocarcinoma.