Figure 6.
miR-148b-3p directly bind to SOS1. (a) The possible target site of miR-148b-3p on SOS1-wt were predicted by Targetscan online. (b) Relative luciferase activities in MG-63 cells was examined employing dual luciferase reporter gene. (c) Relative luciferase activities in U2OS cells was examined employing dual luciferase reporter gene. (d) The expression level of SOS1 in MG-63 cells was analyzed using qRT-PCR. (e) The expression level of SOS1 in U2OS cells was analyzed using qRT-PCR. (f) The expression of SOS1 in MG-63 and U2OS was analyzed by WB assay. **P < 0.01 versus miR-NC; ##P < 0.01 versus miR-148b-3p.