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. 2021 Jul 1;22(4):317–323. doi: 10.5152/TurkThoracJ.2021.20296

Table 3.

The Comparision of the Avaliability of the Control Measures According to Participants’ Answers Between Primary and Secondary Versus Tertiary Healthcare Facilities in the First and Second Surveys

First Survey Second Survey
Primary and Secondary HCFs, n/N (%) Tertiary HCFs, n/N (%) P* Primary and Secondary HCFs, n/N (%) Tertiary HCFs, n/N (%) P*
Having a waiting area for patients with suspected or definite COVID-19 86/136 (63.2) 123/159 (77.4) .008 36/51 (70.6) 71/90 (78.9) .268
Having special rooms for aerosol-generating procedures in patients with suspected or definite COVID-19 47/135 (34.8) 74/159 (46.5) .042 21/50 (42.0) 49/90 (54.4) .158
Having special wards for patients with suspected or definite COVID-19 99/135 (73.3) 156/159 (98.1) <.001 44/51 (86.3) 89/90 (98.9) .002
Displaying signs on wearing facial masks 92/135 (68.1) 100/158 (63.3) .383 42/51 (82.4) 73/89 (82.0) .961
Testing HCWs with a history of contact with a COVID-19 case 71/136 (52.2) 122/159 (76.7) <.001 42/51 (82.4) 81/89 (91.0) .131
Surveillance of symptomatic HCWs 112/134 (83.6) 145/159 (91.2) .048 49/50 (98.0) 89/90 (98.9) .671
Paid leave for high-risk HCWs (e.g., HCWs with chronic diseases, pregnant or nursing HCWs) 70/136 (51.5) 98/159 (61.6) .079 38/51 (74.5) 63/90 (70.0) .568
Occupational safety and health training on COVID-19 81/135 (60.0) 90/159 (56.6) .556 35/51 (68.6) 63/90 (70.0) .865
Psychological and behavioral support for job stress 12/135 (8.9) 22/159 (13.8) .186 11/51 (21.6) 22/90 (24.4) .698
Supply of soap 128/136 (94.1) 142/159 (89.3) .139 50/51 (98.0) 89/90 (98.9) .682
Supply of hand sanitizer with at least 60 degrees of ethyl alcohol 125/136 (91.9) 138/159 (86.8) .159 49/51 (96.1) 89/90 (98.9) .266
Supply of disposable gloves 75/136 (55.1) 91/159 (57.2) .719 38/51 (74.5) 66/90 (73.3) .879
Supply of surgical mask 42/135 (31.1) 45/158 (28.5) .623 35/51 (68.6) 50/90 (55.6) .127
Supply of respirator 15/135 (11.1) 14/159 (8.8) .509 17/51 (33.3) 20/90 (22.2) .150
Supply of facial protector 35/135 (25.9) 33/159 (20.8) .295 23/51 (45.1) 30/90 (33.3) .166
Supply of goggles 36/135 (26.7) 40/159 (25.2) .768 22/50 (44.0) 28/90 (31.1) .127
Supply of apron 50/135 (37.0) 50/158 (31.6) .332 32/51 (62.7) 39/90 (43.3) .027
Supply of gown 23/135 (17.0) 24/159 (15.1) .651 17/51 (33.3) 27/90 (30.0) .681

*Bold values indicate statistical significance. n, number of participants answering yes” to the questions related to administrative measures and “supplied whenever required” to the questions related to personal protective equipment (PPE); N, number of participants responding to the relevant question; COVID-19, coronavirus disease 2019.

HCF, healthcare facility; HCW, healthcare worker.