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. 2021 Mar 1;32(3):248–260. doi: 10.5152/tjg.2021.20057

Table 3.

The Distribution of Mutations According to Clinical Features of Patients With IBD

Total Homozygous* Heterozygous* Compound Heterozygous* P
N = 224 n = 62 (27.7%) n = 155 (69.2%) n = 7 (3.1%)
n % n % n % n %
Age (years)
 ≤5 44 19.6 13 21.0 29 18.7 2 28.6 .776
 >5 180 80.4 49 79.0 126 81.3 5 71.4
 Male 116 51.8 35 56.5 76 49.0 5 71.4 .363
 Female 108 48.2 27 43.5 79 51.0 2 28.6
Consanguinity 44 21.1 10 17.2 33 22.9 1 14.3 .606
Family history of IBD except parents 9 4.7 5 8.9 4 3.1 0 0
FMF mutation 219 97.8 62 100 155 100 2 28.6 .247
Perianal disease
 Abscess 7 3.1 2 3.2 5 3.2 0 0 1.000
 Fissure 9 4.0 4 6.5 4 2.6 1 14.3 .094
 Fistula 4 1.8 0 0 4 2.6 0 0 .632
 Skin Tag 2 0.9 0 0 2 1.3 0 0 1.000
 Ulcerative colitis 122 54.5 32 51.6 86 55.5 4 57.1 .933
 Crohn disease 85 37.9 24 38.7 58 37.4 3 42.9
 Indeterminate colitis 17 7.6 6 9.7 11 7.1 0 0
PUCAI 44.2 ± 20.3 42.5 ± 18.4 43.6 ± 20.7 67.5 ± 16.6 .090
PCDAI 37.4 ± 17.1 41.0 ± 14.1 35.9 ± 17.5 40.3 ± 30.2 .344
Crohn Disease
  Localized 48 57.1 17 70.8 30 52.6 1 33.3 .215
  Disseminated 36 42.9 7 29.2 27 47.4 2 66.7
 Colonoscopy Rectum
  Mucosal hyperemia, diffuse aphthous lesions 19 23.8 4 17.4 15 27.3 0 0 .838
  Ulceration and stricture 2 2.5 0 0 2 3.6 0 0
  Fistula 2 2.5 0 0 2 3.6 0 0
  >5 aphthous lesion 6 7.5 3 13.0 3 5.5 0 0
  <5 aphthous lesion 9 11.3 3 13.0 6 10.9 0 0
  Normal 42 52.5 13 56.5 27 49.1 2 100
  Mucosal hyperemia, diffuse aphthous lesions 17 21.3 3 13.0 14 25.5 0 0 .881
  Fistula 1 1.3 0 0 1 1.8 0 0
  >5 aphthous lesion 6 7.5 2 8.7 4 7.3 0 0
  <5 aphthous lesion 12 15.0 4 17.4 8 14.5 0 0
  Normal 44 55.0 14 60.9 28 50.9 2 100
 Left colon
  Mucosal hyperemia, diffuse aphthous lesions 14 18.4 1 4.5 13 25.0 0 0 .84
  Ulceration and stricture 3 3.9 0 0 3 5.8 0 0
  >5 aphthous lesion 4 5.3 2 9.1 2 3.8 0 0
  <5 aphthous lesion 11 14.5 3 13.6 8 15.4 0 0
  Normal 44 57.9 16 72.7 26 50.0 2 100
 Right colon
  Mucosal hyperemia, diffuse aphthous lesions 11 15.1 2 9.1 9 18.4 0 0 .585
  Fistula 1 1.4 1 4.5 0 0 0 0
  >5 aphthous lesion 9 12.3 4 18.2 5 10.2 0 0
  <5 aphthous lesion 14 19.2 3 13.6 11 22.4 0 0
  Normal 38 52.1 12 54.5 24 49.0 2 100
  Mucosal hyperemia, diffuse aphthous lesions 14 19.4 6 27.3 8 16.7 0 0 .796
  Ulceration and stricture 3 4.2 1 4.5 2 4.2 0 0
  >5 aphthous lesion 7 9.7 3 13.6 4 8.3 0 0
  <5 aphthous lesion 20 27.8 5 22.7 15 31.3 0 0
  Normal 28 38.9 7 31.8 19 39.6 2 100
  Mucosal hyperemia, diffuse aphthous lesions 16 25.4 6 30.0 10 24.4 0 0 .426
  Ulceration and stricture 15 23.8 3 15.0 11 26.8 1 50.0
  >5 aphthous lesion 2 3.2 2 10.0 0 0 0 0
  <5 aphthous lesion 15 23.8 5 25.0 10 24.4 0 0
  Normal 15 23.8 4 20.0 10 24.4 1 50.0
Ulcerative colitis
  E1 16 13.3 2 6.3 14 16.7 0 0 .057
  E2 31 25.8 4 12.5 26 31.0 1 25.0
  E3 73 60.8 26 81.3 44 52.4 3 75.0
 Colonoscopy Rektum
  Normal 8 6.3 2 5.7 6 6.9 0 0 .865
  Mild mucosal fragility 10 7.9 2 5.7 8 9.2 0 0
  Moderate mucosal fragility 34 27.0 9 25.7 25 28.7 0 0
  Hemorrhagic ulcers 74 58.7 22 62.9 48 55.2 4 100
  Normal 8 6.6 1 3.0 7 8.2 0 0 .715
  Mild mucosal fragility 13 10.7 2 6.1 11 12.9 0 0
  Moderate mucosal fragility 37 30.3 9 27.3 27 31.8 1 25.0
  Hemorrhagic ulcers 64 52.5 21 63.6 40 47.1 3 75.0
 Left colon
  Normal 15 12.8 2 6.1 12 15.0 1 25.0 .126
  Mild mucosal fragility 13 11.1 3 9.1 10 12.5 0 0
  Moderate mucosal fragility 38 32.5 7 21.2 29 36.3 2 50.0
  Hemorrhagic ulcers 51 43.6 21 63.6 29 36.3 1 25.0
 Right colon
  Normal 31 30.4 5 16.7 25 36.8 1 25.0 .094
  Mild mucosal fragility 11 10.8 5 16.7 6 8.8 0 0
  Moderate mucosal fragility 29 28.4 6 20.0 21 30.9 2 50.0
  Hemorrhagic ulcers 31 30.4 14 46.7 16 23.5 1 25.0
  Normal 44 46.3 9 33.3 34 53.1 1 25.0 .025
  Mild mucosal fragility 15 15.8 2 7.4 12 18.8 1 25.0
  Moderate mucosal fragility 17 17.9 5 18.5 11 17.2 1 25.0
  Hemorrhagic ulcers 19 20.0 11 40.7 7 10.9 1 25.0
  Normal 61 80.3 14 73.7 44 83.0 3 75.0 .300
  Mild mucosal fragility 5 6.6 2 10.5 3 5.7 0 0
  Moderate mucosal fragility 4 5.3 0 0 3 5.7 1 25.0
  Hemorrhagic ulcers 6 7.9 3 15.8 3 5.7 0 0
Indeterminate colitis
  Mucosal hyperemia, diffuse aphthous lesions 1 7.7 1 33.3 0 0 - - .335
  <5 aphthous lesion 3 23.1 0 0 3 30 - -
  Normal 9 69.2 2 66.7 7 70 - -
 Left colon
  Mucosal hyperemia, diffuse aphthous lesions 1 7.7 1 33.3 0 0 - - .231
  Normal 12 92.3 2 66.7 10 100 - -
 Right colon
  >5 aphthous lesion 1 7.7 1 33.3 0 0 - - .231
 Normal 12 92.3 2 66.7 10 100 - -
  <5 aphthous lesion 2 15.4 0 0 2 20 - - 1.000
  Normal 11 84.6 3 100 8 80 - -

*The most common homozygous mutation M694V.

*The most common heterozygous mutation E148Q.

*The most common compound heterozygous mutation R202Q/M694 V.

IBD, inflammatory bowel disease; PCDAI, pediatric Crohn’s disease activity index; PUCAI, pediatric ulcerative colitis activity index.

P < .05 is statistically significant.