Fig. 2. K-band microwave-repetition rate platicon microcomb.
a The optical spectrum of the coherent, single-FSR-spacing platicon microcomb with 26.2 GHz repetition rate. The inset shows the DFB laser spectrum when the laser is off-resonance and in free-running condition. b Comparison of SSB phase noise of free-running DFB (red) and self-injection-locked DFB (blue) beating against the reference ECDL laser (black). The DFB laser is operated at 1556 nm. The reference laser’s phase noise (black) is measured against an ultrastable reference laser (MenloSystems ORNS) at 1552 nm. c SSB phase noise of the beat signal among the platicon comb lines at 26.226 GHz, revealing the low noise regime. Inset: repetition rate beatnote signal.