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. 2022 Apr 1;9:149. doi: 10.1038/s41597-022-01256-y

Table 1.

Data attributes of GMBA Inventory v2.0_standard and GMBA Inventory v2.0_broad.

Attributes Objects/file size
GMBA_V2_ID: A five-digit unique identifier of the mountain range, linking the polygon in the shapefile with the record in the “Mountain database”.

GMBA Inventory v2.0_standard

Type: ESRI shapefile

8327 partly overlapping polygons representing the spatial extent of all the polygons (across all hierarchical levels) included in the inventory

File size: 322 mB

GMBA Inventory v2.0_broad

Type: ESRI shapefile

8616 partly overlapping polygons representing the spatial extent of all the polygons (across all hierarchical levels) included in the inventory

File size: 252 mB

GMBA_V1_ID: The ID of the polygon in the GMBA Inventory v1.0.
MapName: Mountain range name that can be used for labelling the polygons on a map (duplicates exist for different mountain ranges sharing the same name).
WikiDataUR: A unique resource identifier (URI) starting with Q, identifying the mountain range in the Wikidata repository. This URI can be used to retrieve data related to the feature from Wikidata (this includes, for example, the name in various languages and the Wikipedia URL in various language versions).
MapUnit: Categorical variable (2 unique values): ‘Basic’ represents all polygons that are basic mapping units, i.e. they have no child. Selecting polygons identified as ‘Basic’ returns all the smallest mountain polygons in the inventory. ‘Aggregate’ identifies those polygons that have children and are thus aggregations of ‘Basic’ polygons.
Hier_Lvl: Identifies the level of each polygon in the hierarchy with a number from 1 to 10. This can be used to disaggregate the layer into its ten hierarchical components.
Feature: Categorical variable (14 unique values) indicating what the polygon represents, see Table 1.
Area: Calculated planimetric area of the mountain polygon (in km2) (calculated in Mollweide projection). Not available for GMBA Inventory v2.0_ broad
Perimeter: Calculated perimeter of the mountain polygon (in km). Not available for GMBA Inventory v2.0_ broad.
Elev_Low: Lowest elevation calculated from GMTED 2010 7.5 arcsecond DEM (can include negative values, e.g. in mountains bordering the Dead Sea).
Elev_High: Highest elevation as calculated from GMTED 2010 7.5 arcsecond DEM.
Path: The full hierarchical path leading to the mountain range (using DBaseName) starting at level 1 (continents/oceans).
PathID: The full hierarchical path leading to the mountain range expressed as a concatenation of GMBA_V2_IDs
Level_01 to Level_10: Ten columns each containing the hierarchical levels for each mountain range. These are the same levels as in “Path”, but one level per column.
Select_300: A customised selection of 292 mountain ranges / systems, useful for global and IPCC or IPBES (sub-) regional level analyses. It was generated by using the GMBA Inventory v2.0_SelectionTool.
Countries: String variable with country names that intersect with a mountain range.
CountryCodes: String variable with Alpha-3 ISO country codes ( that intersect with a mountain range.
DBaseName: Unique mountain range name for identification in the database. For example, there are many ranges called ‘Black Mountains’ that all have the same name in MapName, but are identified in DBaseName as ‘Black Mountains (New Zealand)’, ‘Black Mountains (USA)’ etc. The indication ‘(nn)’ after a range name, means that this polygon represents a subrange that has no name yet.
LocalNames: Wikidata names of the mountain range or feature in all languages spoken in the countries where the mountain range occurs.
AsciiName: MapName without diacritical marks.
Name_xx: Range name in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.
ColorAll: A number from 1 to 6 to for colouring polygons with six distinct colours without any contiguous shape sharing the same colour. For use with the ‘Level’ layers.
ColorBasic: idem, for use with the ‘Basic’ layer.
Color300: idem, for use with the ‘300’ layer