Fig. 6. CRISPR Cas9-based assay to determine HR efficiency.
a Chromatograms (reverse complementary strand) showing full-length and 29 bp deletion in the blasticidin resistance gene which renders the cells sensitive to blasticidin. b Schematic representation of streptavidin-tagged Cas9-mediated delivery of biotinylated donor DNA near to the DSB (generated by Cas9) to assist HR. c Representative plates showing mESC colonies obtained in WT and BRCA2L2510P complemented Brca2KO/KO mESCs after HR-mediated repair of mutant blasticidin-resistance gene provided with regular or biotinylated donor DNA. d Quantification of relative HR efficiency in BRCA2WT and BRCA2L2510P expressing mESCs. Number of blasticidin-resistant colonies are normalized to colonies in plates without selection, rD: regular donor, bioD: biotinylated donor (see Supplementary Fig. 9b, n = 3 technical replicate, two-tailed Student’s t test, error bar- SD of mean).