Fabrication and characterization of Motor-OMV. a) OMVs are derived from bacteria and loaded onto micromotors. The micromotors are intratumorally administered into mice to mechanically disrupt the tumor tissue while also promoting immune stimulation, leading to the generation of both local and systemic antitumor immunity. b) Mg microparticles on a glass slide are progressively coated with layers of Au, TiO2, PLGA, chitosan, and OMV to form Motor-OMV. c) Representative SEM image of a micromotor without the final OMV layer (scale bar = 10 μm). Corresponding EDX spectroscopy images of the micromotor show the distribution of Mg, Au, Ti, and nitrogen (N). d) Brightfield and fluorescence microscopy visualization of a representative Motor-OMV coated with FITC-labeled (green) chitosan and rhodamine-labeled (red) OMVs (scale bar = 25 μm). e) Western blot analysis for the presence of ompA and ompC on Motor-OMV. f) Quantification of total proteins on Motor-OMV per 1 mg of micromotor with varying initial OMV inputs (n = 3, mean + SD).