Fig. 7. STAGATE can alleviate the batch effect between consecutive sections by incorporating a 3D spatial network.
a Visualization of the 3D hippocampal volume stacked by seven aligned consecutive sections profiled by Slide-seq. b The 3D SNN is a combination of the 2D SNN within each section and the spatial network between consecutive sections. c Cluster assignments generated by STAGATE-2D with the 2D SNN. d The UMAP plots generated by STAGATE-2D embeddings. The spots are colored by the identified spatial domains (left) and the section IDs (right) respectively. e Cluster assignments generated by STAGATE-3D with the 3D SNN. f The UMAP plots generated by STAGATE-3D embeddings. The spots are colored by the identified spatial domains (left) and the section IDs (right) respectively.