Fig. 3.
IL-6 rs2069837 region decreased its expression in the COVID-19 patients and its sex-specific. a Serum IL-6 concentrations between severe patients (n = 9) and asymptomatic patients (n = 34). b The luciferase activity of IL-6 rs2069837 region and its variation. Representative of four independent experiments with three biological replicates. c Serum IL-6 concentrations are shown according to IL-6 rs2069837 groups, AA type (n = 480), GG type (n = 28). d Baseline of IL-6 in the male (n = 224) and female (n = 284). e IL-6 level are shown according to IL-6 rs2069837 groups in the male, AA type (n = 214), GG type (n = 10). f IL-6 level are shown according to IL-6 rs2069837 groups in the female. AA type (n = 266), GG type (n = 18). Data are mean ± SEM. Significance determined by unpair T test, *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001