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. 2022 Apr 2;18:130. doi: 10.1186/s12917-022-03231-6

Table 2.

Quantitative bone densities of normal bone, new bone in-growth density (AOI density), and density of bone adjacent to the defect area (BAD density) in Houns Field units (HU) obtained by CBCT and expressed as mean ± SD at the 30th, 60th and 90th days

Groups 30th 60th 90th P value
Bone densities (Houns Field units)
Normal density
  Control (1335.75 ± 67.20)b* (1582.03 ± 79.97)a* (1643.75 ± 20.45)a* 0.000
  PRF (1245.83 ± 125.49)b* (1460.43 ± 177.28)a* (1554.73 ± 250.56)a* 0.012
  PRF/ZnONPs (1326.04 ± 134.37)b* (1443.56 ± 157.81)ab* (1569.52 ± 213.89)a* 0.004
  P value 0.241 0.127 0.613
  Total Mean (1302.54 ± 115.58)c (1508.20 ± 144.52)b (1612.69 ± 172.18)a 0.000
AOI density
Normal density (1302.54 ± 115.58)c*** (1508.20 ± 144.52)b** (1612.69 ± 172.18)a** 0.000
  Control (1042.32 ± 181.63)a** (1197.86 ± 218.81)a* (1284.53 ± 188.30)a* 0.186
  PRF (706.45 ± 136.31)b* (1037.48 ± 147.88)a* (1212.52 ± 79.18)a* 0.000
  PRF/ZnONPs (1079.10 ± 48.41)b** (1498.95 ± 77.19)a** (1534.34 ± 111.98)a** 0.000
  P value 0.000 0.000 0.009
BAD density
Normal density (1302.54 ± 115.58)c** (1508.20 ± 144.52)b** (1612.69 ± 172.18)a*** 0.000
  Control (1295.00 ± 15.56)a** (919.70 ± 243.53)a* (873.86 ± 150.03)a* 0.104
  PRF (1049.20 ± 59.48)b* (1050.00 ± 49.49)b* (1201.00 ± 15.56)a** 0.027
  PRF/ZnONPs (1070.80 ± 00.00)b* (1297.50 ± 3.53)a** (1394.00 ± 66.47)a** 0.008
  P value 0.000 0.000 0.000

a,b,cMedians and ranges with different small superscripts letters in the same row are significantly different at P < 0.05

*,**,***Medians and ranges with different asterisks superscripts in the same column are significantly different at P < 0.05