A, Relative mRNA expression for candidate ion channels in TRPV1-null compared with WT skeletal muscle arteries (n = 6 mice, unpaired t-test). B-D, Arterial dilation evoked by 9-phenanthrol (30 μM) and 9-phenanthrol plus BCTC in WT and TRPV1-null mice (n = 4 mice, 4 arteries, unpaired t-test). E, Summary of myogenic tone in arteries from WT mice: control (n = 6), 0 Ca2+ (n = 6), nifedipine (5 μM, n = 4), BCTC (3 μM, n = 6), 9-phenanthrol (30 μM, n = 4), BCTC plus 9-phenanthrol (n = 4, unpaired t-test).