A-C, Ca2+ signaling evoked by a hypo-osmotic solution in ASM cells isolated from wild-type (n = 47 cells, 3 mice), wild-type plus BCTC (n = 35 cells, 3 mice, nested t-test) and TRPV1-null (n = 30 cells, 3 mice, nested t-test) mice. Both, BCTC (1 μM), and reducing temperature from 32°C to 23°C, inhibits the stretch-evoked response (n = 28 cells, 3 mice, nested t-test). D and E, Intraluminal pressure-evoked Ca2+ increases in arteries denuded of endothelium are blocked by BCTC (3 μM; control, n = 51 cells, 4 mice, nested t-test, and BCTC, n = 29 cells, 4 mice, nested t-test). F, Changes in diameter of denuded arteries with or without BCTC (n = 4 arteries, 4 mice, nested t-test).