Nucleotide (A) and amino acid (B) sequence variations in the parC genes of S. pneumoniae strains. The nucleotides and amino acids present at each polymorphic site are shown in full for strain R6, but only sites that differ are shown for the other strains. Nucleotides and amino acids that are the same as in R6 are shown by dots. The codon numbers are indicated in vertical format above the sequences. The different codons are alternatively shaded in grey for clarity. Positions 1, 2, and 3 in the fourth row refer to the first, second, and third nucleotides in the codon. The sequence in panel A is numbered from the initiation codon of the parC gene. Open squares denote nucleotide deletions. The strains used were R6 (GenBank accession no. AF170996), 7785 (accession no. Z67739), 3180 (accession no. AF170997), 3870 (accession no. AF170998), and 1244 (accession no. AF170999).