Alternative | Description | Mean (%) | Limits of agreement (%) |
A | Simplification using constant AD/cycle, from first cycle | 15 | 55 |
B | Simplification using constant effective half-time, from first cycle | 0.43 | 13 |
C | Simplification using constant effective half-time, global means (G1, 103 h; G2, 81 h) | 0.01 | 31 |
D | Interpolation, LMM intercept patient- and tumor-effective half-time (Eq. 2) | 1.6 | 7.9 |
E | Complete LMM for effective half-time or AD (Eq. 1) | −1.0 | 3.3 |
Relative difference is calculated as (AD simplified protocol/AD complete dosimetry – 1). Limits of agreement are derived from Bland–Altman plots (Supplemental Fig. A4).