Fig. 1.
(a) NTA of canine placental mesenchymal stem cell EVs in light scatter mode (top panel), and fluorescence NTA of the same samples labeled with quantum dot-bound antibodies targeting CD9 (bottom panel).37 (b) A schematic depicting a nFC, where single EVs are passed in suspension through a laser beam to generate photons which are detected by three single-photon counting APD, enabling multiparameter detection of two-color fluorescence and side-scattering of EVs. (c) dSTORM super-resolution images of EVs derived from human glioblastoma cells stained with antibodies targeting CD63 (red) and TSG101 (green).41 (d) Polydisperse EVs released by the helminth pathogen, Fasciola hepatica, imaged by TEM.42 (e) AFM used to define the size and shape of EVs and showing the deformation on the EV surface after the application of increased force through the cantilever.43 (c) and (e) Scale bars: 100 nm and (d) 500 nm. (a) and (c)–(e) Reproduced with permission, under Creative Commons BY 4.0 license. (b) Adapted with permission from Ref. 44. Copyright 2018, American Chemical Society.