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. 2021 Dec 20;12(1):11–23. doi: 10.1039/d1ra08198e

Fig. 10. The inactivation of S. aureus in suspensions after adding ZnTPP/D-g-PAAan and irradiating with 420 nm light as a function of the light irradiation dose. The blue downward-pointing triangles show the dependence without the addition of ZnTPP/D-g-PAAan, as a reference. Concentrations: D-g-PAAan: 0.08 g L−1, 0.008 g L−1, 0.0008 g L−1; ZnTPP: 0.001 g L−1. The light power was 0.1 J s−1 and the irradiation dose was in the range of 3–18 J mL−1 with increments of 3 J mL−1. The experimental points are spline-interpolated for convenience.

Fig. 10