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. 2022 Jan 21;12(5):2980–2991. doi: 10.1039/d1ra08532h

Mass spectrometry optimized parameters for vancomycin and Turgidosterone 4–7.

Compounds Mode of analysis Precursor ion (m/z) Product ion (m/z) Declustering potential (V) Collision energy (V) Collision cell exit potential (V) Dwell time (ms)
4 Negative 1029.36 737.4a −25 −64 −37 50
1029.36 59b −25 −130 −7 50
5 Positive 869.48 70.9a 1 95 10 100
869.48 84.8b 1 75 14 100
6 Negative 1013.34 721.4a −20 −60 −55 100
1013.34 59b −20 −130 −19 100
7 Positive 885.39 293.2a 1 23 8 50
885.39 413.3b 1 29 20 50
Vancomycin (IS) Negative 722.81 700.7 −190 −20 −27 50
Vancomycin (IS) Positive 724.73 83 141 67 8 50

Quantifier ion.


Qualifier ion.