The spatiotemporal dynamics of burst suppression in non-epileptic cortex.
(A) Example of the onset of two bursts in wide field calcium imaging.
Left: The field of view shows both hemispheres in one preparation.
Two vertical red boxes indicate two regions of interest (ROI), from which the onset
time is calculated. Right: The LFP recording of isoflurane induced
burst suppression. Two blue lines indicate the onset (t = 0 ms) of two bursts (I and
II). (B) The spatiotemporal evolution of calcium fluorescence intensity
during the two bursts showed in A. Both bursts show bilaterally symmetric
onset and propagation patterns. (C) The box-and-whisker plots of the
onset time of calcium signal from each pixel in two vertical regions of interest (left
and right) (n = 51 interictal bursts). For each box, the central mark
indicates the median, and the bottom and top edges of the box indicate the 25th and
75th percentiles, respectively. The whiskers extend to the most extreme data points
not considered outliers, and the outliers are plotted individually using the plus
symbol. (D) Multi-electrode array recording of bursts in normal cortex.
Grey circles show locations of each electrode, missing circles indicate non-functional
electrodes. Colours demonstrate electrodes whose LFP traces shown on the
right. The histograms below show each hemisphere’s multiunit spike
counts every 100 ms. Bursts occur intermittently with globally symmetric spread of LFP
but are with sparse MUA. Pink shaded vertical bar is expanded and displayed in
E. (E) The array recording of two bursts with higher
temporal resolution.