Figure 6.
Following the significant effect observed for the interaction between session and group (see Table 4), we here show the effect of treatment session separately for UNSYNC and SYNC groups (i.e., marginal effect) across four different regions of interest (ROIs) based on the GLMM prediction. The central figure defines the ROIs and the electrodes used in the analysis. All ROIs consist of three electrodes. rTMS is applied over the left DLPFC (over electrode F3) for all subjects. (A) The model prediction of changes in ITPCmax[1] between the first and last session for SYNC and UNSYNC groups at the ROI near the rTMS target ROI, (B) contralateral to the target ROI, (C) in the medial-frontal ROI and (D) in the occipital ROI. The interaction-term of session and SYNC/UNSYNC group in the GLMM was highly significant in (A) (***, p < 0.01), significant in (C) and (D) (*, 0.01 < p < 0.05) but not significant in (B).