Fig. 3.
RNA-seq analyses in gonocytes of Asz1–/– mice. (A, B) MA plots depicting changes in expression levels of retrotransposons (A) and genes (B) in gonocytes of Asz1–/– mice relative to those of wild-type mice. Differentially expressed retrotransposons (DERs) and genes (DEGs) in gonocytes of Asz1–/– and wild-type mice were defined by statistical significance (FDR < 0.01) and a greater than 2-fold change. DERs and DEGs are shown as red plots. Non-DERs and non-DEGs are shown as black plots. (C) IGV genome browser tracks showing Apoh in gonocytes of wild-type and Asz1–/– mice. MSTRG.3376.2 is the aberrant exon of the Apoh transcript variant identified by StringTie software.