Fig. 2.
Nanoparticle characterization. a, Schematic illustrations of the metal-organic framework (MOF) defect self-assembly (DSA) pathway. b, High-resolution TEM image of PMNP-5 (i), PMNP-10 (ii), PMNP-20 (iii) and PMNP-DOX@RBC (iv). Scale bar, 100 nm c, SEM image and elemental mapping images (C, O, and Fe) of PMNP-10. Scale bar, 100 nm d, Dynamic light scattering size of MNP and PMNP. e, Powder X-ray diffraction patterns of MNP and PMNP. f, The N2 sorption isotherms of the MNP and PMNP. g, Thermogravimetric analysis. h, FTIR spectra of MNP and PMNP. i, XPS spectra of MNP and PMNP.