An example of data obtained with Keap1-Glow CETSA (Protocol B) showing that PRL-295 alters the thermostability of Keap1-mCherry, but not free mCherry measured at the same temperature range, in U2OS cell lysates
Temperature-dependent aggregation curves in lysates from U2OS cells stably expressing Keap1-mCherry (left) or mCherry (right) pre-treated for 1 h with 15 μM of PRL-295 (red) or the same volume of vehicle (DMSO, blue) are displayed as mCherry fluorescence intensities that remained after removal of precipitated material from lysates heated to the indicated temperatures, normalized to that of vehicle-treated sample heated to 39°C (dots). The smoothing lines that represent local polynomial regressions fitted to the data are added to enhance visualization. Data from Dayalan Naidu et al., 2021.