HDX-MS data on BfNFeoAB indicate nucleotide- and time-dependent differences in protein protection (blue) and deprotection (orange), which are mapped onto the apo BfNFeoAB Robetta model.A, protection from deuterium uptake in the presence of GMP-PNP at both 10 s and 1 min. Most of the protection is observed in the GDI domain. B, continued protection (compaction) is observed of BfNFeoAB within 10 min, including the FeoA domain, the G-protein domain, and the GDI domain. C, after 1 to 2 h, most of the GDI domain exhibits protection, as well as the Switch II region, and the key G-protein motifs. D, deprotection of BfNFeoAB is only observed in the presence of GDP, beginning as early as 10 s – 1 min, while minimal protection is observed. E, within 10 min, deprotection is observed in the beginning of the GDI domain, while protection within in the rest of the protein is limited. F, after 1 to 2 h, deprotection in the Switch I region is observed, as well as protection within the GDI domain. Labels ‘N’ and ‘C’ refer to the N- and C-termini, respectively. The top, center panel is color-coded as follows for clarity: FeoA (red), NFeoB (teal), the linker region (yellow), the GDI domain (dark green), the Switch I region (purple), and the Switch II region (orange).