The dynamics of porewater salinity and PLFC over time. A, Modeled soil porewater
salinity (PSU, practical salinity units) from May 2015 to April 2019. The color of
lines represents the location of our target individual trees. B, Mean porewater
salinity of the floodplain sites (River Bank, Middle Floodplain, and Near Hillslope)
by month (March–August) in the year 2019 [mean porewater salinity significantly
increased for River Bank and Middle Floodplain over the study period
(P < 0.05; ANOVA)]. Error bars represent ±1
standard error (n = 3). C, The pPLFC declined and the number of dead
trees increased rapidly over the study period (from March to August 2019;
P < 0.001; ANOVA). Black hollow circles and
black circles filled with red represent alive and dead trees, respectively. The
circles filled with purple represent the mean PLFC of all individuals. Error bars
represent ±1 standard error (n = 28) of observed values. D,
Relationship between PLFC and soil porewater salinity. The confidence intervals of
linear or nonlinear regression were shown in light gray color. The points represent
the individual trees. The coefficient of determination and P-value
are also shown.