Table 4.
Country | Year | Authors | Title | Detection mode | Sample and age class | Bullying Prevalence |
Denmark, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden | 2019 | Amarsson et al. [21] | Cyberbullying and traditional bullying among Nordic adolescents and their impact on life satisfaction | HBSC 2013/2014 (single item: “How often have you been bullied at school in the past couple of months?”) | 32,210 students (11, 13 and 15 y.o.) |
Norwegian Males: 2.7–7.8% Females: 3.1–5.2% Danish M: 2.7–8.0% F: 2.7–7.3% Finnish M: 6.4–12.6% F: 6.5–8.2% Greenlander M: 13.0–26.4% F: 13.7–18.6% Icelandic M: 1.4–6.9% F: 0.3–5.3% Swedish M: 2.1–3.5% F: 2.1–5.7% |
Iceland | 2018 | Garmy et al. [22] | Bullying in School-aged Children in Iceland: A Cross-sectional Study | HBSC 2013/2014 in Iceland | 11,018 students (11, 13 and 15 years old) | 5.6% |
Australia | 2017 | Thomas et al. [23] | Prevalence and correlates of bullying victimization and perpetration in a nationally representative sample of Australian youth | Single item: “In the past 12 months, how often were you bullied or cyberbullied by another person or group of young people?” | 2,967 (11–14 y.o.) | 15.5% |
China | 2017 | Han et al. [24] | School Bullying in Urban China: Prevalence and Correlation with School Climate | Ten items on physical, verbal bullying and observers phenomena | 1,020 middle school students |
Victims: 26.10% Observers: 28.90% (aggregated data) |
United Kingdom | 2017 | Muijs et al. [25] | Can schools reduce bullying? The relationship between school characteristics and the prevalence of bullying behaviors | For students: The Olweus Bully‐Victim Questionnaire (OBVQ). For teachers: 65 items-questionnaire based on Kyriakides (2014) scales | Survey conducted in 35 primary schools (1,411 last year's students and their 68 teachers) |
Victims: 21% Actors: 11% |
United Kingdom | 2017 | Bevilacqua et al. [26] | The role of family and school-level factors in bullying and cyberbullying: a cross sectional study | Gatehouse Bullying Scale (12 items) | 6,667 students from 40 middle schools |
Male: 9.99% Female: 13.61% |
USA (Maryland) | 2017 | Waarsdorp et al. [27] | Ten-Year Trends in Bullying and Related Attitudes Among 4th- to 12th-Graders | 10 years survey; anonymous and 13 items questionnaire | 246,306 students in 109 schools of Maryland |
28.5% in 2005 13.4% in 2014 |
Vietnam | 2017 | Le et al. [28] | Temporal patterns and predictors of bullying roles among adolescents in Vietnam: a school-based cohort study | Two anonymous questionnaires; single item: “How often have you been bullied in any way during the last six months?” | 1,424 middle and high school students |
48.3%: not involved at all; 22.7% victims only; 6.9% bullies only; 22% bully-victims After six months: 62.1% not involved; 17.6% victims only; 4.7% bullies only; 15.5% bully-victims |
Spain | 2016 | Sanchez-Quelia et al. [29] | Trend analysis of bullying victimization prevalence in Spanish adolescent youth at school | Based on HBSC 2014 in Spain | 15,728 (11–12 y.o.) |
5.5% (reported) 23.6% (observed) |
U.S.A | 2015 | Huang et al. [30] | The impact of definition and question order on the prevalence of bullying victimization using student self-reports | Anonymous, online, 100 items-survey | 17,301 students attending 119 high schools | Bullying (overall): 9.84% Vs 13.53% cases Vs controls |
Italy | 2014 | National survey [31] | Health Behaviour in School-aged Children | A single item within a broader nationwide questionnaire, mainly focused on habits and lifestyles | 4,072 (11–15 y.o.) | 14% |
Macedonia | 2007 | WHO-Unicef-CDC [32] | Global school-based student health survey (GSHS) | Single item: “During the past 30 days, on how many days were you bullied?” | 2,114 students (13–15 y.o.) in 30 schools | 10.1% |
Tajikistan | 2006 | WHO-Unicef-CDC [33] | Global school-based student health survey (GSHS) | Single item: “During the past 30 days, on how many days were you bullied?” | 9,714 students (13–15 y.o.) in 99 schools | 7.4% |