Figure 2.
Instantaneous population contraction with a subsequent neutral fixation. A mutant (green star) appeared tm generations ago and has just fixed neutrally in a diploid population that experienced a contraction tc generations ago. We represent the population as a set of 2-locus haplotypes that are painted so that the gene copies present at t = 0 can be traced back to t = tm. Due to recombination, haplotype i carries a red gene copy at the linked locus at t = 0. Correspondingly, the coalescence time T(l) of the haplotypes i and j at the linked locus (black tree) is larger than tm. On the other hand, the coalescence time T(f) at the focal locus (green tree) is smaller than tm because at this locus all gene copies descend from the same haplotype (due to the fixation of the focal mutation).