(A) Schematic illustration of workflow for isolation of specified myeloid cell populations from B16 tumors subcutaneously implanted in wild-type C57Bl/6 mice.
t-SNE plot of graph-based clustering of Ly6C+CD11b+ monocytes and Ly6C–MHCII+ myeloid cells that were sorted and pooled from at least 5 B16 tumors, and underwent scRNA-seq (A). Each dot represents a single cell.
(C) Expression of Csf1r (left) and Mafb (middle) on t-SNE plot of bulk myeloid cells (B), and display of selected Csf1r+Mafb+ clusters (right).
(D) Expression of gene signatures specific to Ly6C+ monocyte, CD11clo TAM1, or CD11chi TAM2 populations (A,
Supplementary Fig. S1F) displayed on t-SNE plot of Csf1r+Mafb+ myeloid cells (C). Cells with top median of signature expression level labeled in red.
(E) Heatmap displaying expression levels of top 5 DE genes between Csf1r+Mafb+ cell clusters (C). Genes ranked by fold change.
(F) Expression levels of selected genes amongst Csf1r+Mafb+ cell clusters (C).
(G) Differentiation trajectory model using Monocle analysis of cells from Csf1r+Mafb+ clusters (C). Color coding corresponds to previous labels (B).
(H) Graph of relative pseudotime values of Csf1r+Mafb+ cluster cells (C) from Monocle analysis (G).
(I) Expression levels of cluster-specific genes (E) over relative pseudotime (H). Each line corresponds to an individual gene.