Fig. 2.
A Oxygen saturation (SpO2) over three time points (i.e., 1 = baseline; 2 = 4-day follow-up; 3 = 7-day follow-up) between groups (i.e., intervention and control group) (P < 0.001 at the time point 2 and 3); B Need of oxygen (liter/minute) over three time points between groups (P < 0.001 at the time point 2 and 3); C Respiratory rate (breaths/minute) over three time points between groups (P < 0.001 at the time point 2, and P = 0.09 at the time point 3); D Heart rate (beats/minute) over three time points between groups (P < 0.001 at the time point 2, and P = 0.47 at the time point 3)