HSP70s and plant immunity. (A) Simplified diagram representing the classical view of plant–pathogen interaction, with the highlighted role for HSP70s in pattern-triggered immunity (PTI), effector-triggered immunity (ETI), programmed cell death, and in interaction with pathogen effector proteins. PAMPs, pathogen-associated molecular patterns; DAMPs, damage-associated molecular patterns; PPRs, pattern recognition receptors; NB-LRRs, nucleotide-binding site-leucine-rich repeats; HR, hypersensitive response; PCD, programmed cell death; ETS, effector-triggered susceptibility. (B) Subcellular localization and interactions of HSP70 in the spatial immunity model. BiPs are components of extracellularly triggered immunity (ExTI). These HSP70s are regulated by salicylic acid and NPR1, and play a role in the secretion of pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins. The cytosolic HSP70s participate in intracellularly triggered immunity (InTI) and influence perception of jasmonic acid. Cytokinin up-regulates most HSP70 genes and positively impacts HSP70 abundance. Moreover, HSP70s interact with pathogen effector proteins and are involved in virus replication and translocation. COI1, coronatine-insensitive protein 1; ExIPs, extracellular immunogenic patterns; InIPs, intracellular immunogenic patterns; NB-LRRs, nucleotide-binding site-leucine-rich repeats; NPR1, non-expresser of PR genes 1; PCD, programmed cell death; RLKs, receptor-like kinases; RLPs, receptor-like proteins. References: 1–2, Liebrand et al. (2012, 2014); 3, Nekrasov et al. (2009); 4–5, Park et al. (2010, 2014); 6, Nagashima et al. (2014); 7, Poór et al. (2019); 8, Wang et al. (2005); 9, Carvalho et al. (2014); 10, Qiang et al. (2012); 11, Xu et al. (2012); 12, Kanzaki et al. (2003); 13, Noël et al. (2007); 14, Thao et al. (2007); 15, Nakashima et al. (2008); 16, Shirasu (2009); 17, X.-C. Zhang et al. (2015); 18, Jing et al. (2016); 19, Zhou et al. (2021); 20–21, Jelenska et al. (2007, 2010); 22, Lee et al. (2018); 23, Kim and Hwang (2015); 24, Hýsková et al. (2021b); 25, Ye et al. (2011); 26, Černý et al. (2016); 27, Krishnakumar et al. (2017). For details about the spatial immunity model, see, for example, van der Burgh et al. (2019).