Scatterplot representing differences in ssGSEA immune signatures in TERT
high versus TERT
low tumours (n = 4,632 tumours in each group) across TCGA. −log10(padj) for enrichment of ssGSEA immune signatures in TERT
high versus TERT
low tumours is shown on the y‐axis. Signatures more highly represented in TERT
high tumours are shown on the right, while those in TERT
low tumours are shown on the left.
Heat map for ssGSEA of immune signatures in TERT
high and TERT
low tumours (n = 4,632 tumours in each group) across TCGA. Th1, Th2, Th17: T helper 1, 2, 17 cells, Tcm: central memory T cells, Tem: effector memory T cells, Tgd: gamma delta T cells, TFH: follicular helper T cells, Treg: regulatory T cells, MDSC: myeloid‐derived suppressor cells, DC: dendritic cells, aDC: activated DCs, iDC: immature DCs, pDC: plasmacytoid DCs, NK cells: natural killer cells.
Heat map of interferon‐related genes in U2OS cells with TERT‐WT or TERT‐K626A ectopic expression.
RT–qPCR analysis of interferon‐related genes (D), western blot analysis of TERT, TBK1, pTBK1, IRF3, pIRF3, and GAPDH levels (E), and ELISA of IFNβ and CXCL10 in culture supernatant (F) in U2OS and HeLa cells ectopically expressing TERT‐WT or TERT‐K626A.
RT–qPCR analysis of interferon‐related genes (G), western blot analysis of TERT, TBK1, pTBK1, IRF3, pIRF3, and GAPDH levels (H), and ELISA analysis of CXCL10 in culture supernatant (I) in HeLa and HCT116 cells with TERT knockdown.