Figure 1. Antimycin A treatment induces responses of cytosolic HyPer7.
AThe H2O2 sensing mechanism of the HyPer7 probe and representation of data.
BThe response of cytosolic HyPer7 in HEK293 cells to repeated bolus of exogenous H2O2 at the indicated concentrations. Solid line represents mean, light gray points are ratios measured in individual cells.
CConfirmation of sensor localization to different cellular compartments. Green, HyPer7; blue, DAPI stain.
D–HResponse of HyPer7 probes targeted to indicated compartments to incubation with antimycin A (a complex III inhibitor, red curve, and data points) or ethanol as control (black line and data points). HEK293 cells were grown either with glucose or galactose as carbon source as indicated. Solid line represents mean, points colored in the lighter version of the respective color are the corresponding ratios measured in individual cells.
Data information: The numbers of cells per experiment for each dataset can be found in Appendix Table S6. As most of the data were not normal distributed, instead of a t‐test, a Wilcoxon/Mann–Whitney‐U‐test was performed and samples were compared in pairs. **P ≤ 0.01, ***P ≤ 0.001.
Source data are available online for this figure.