(A) Within CD4+ CD8+ thymocytes, triple positive (CD4+ CD8αα+ CD8αβ+) pre-selection precursors of TCRαβ+ CD8αα+ IEL were identified by gating on Thymus Leukemia (TL) antigen tetramer positive cells and CD8β. (B) CD25− CD1dtet− CD4− CD8− DN (top row) and within the DN, post-selected CD5+ TCRβ+ thymocytes (bottom row) were determined. Numbers in representative plots show the percentage and bar graphs show the numbers of each population from Bcl2f/f (open circle) and CD4CreBcl2f/f (filled circle) mice. (C) Histograms show the mean fluorescence intensity(MFI)11 of Bcl-2 and Bim in CD5+ TCRβ+ DN, CD5− TCRβ− DN, DP and CD8+ thymocytes from Bcl2f/f and CD4CreBcl2f/f mice. Results are representative of at least three independent experiments with n=3 or more mice per group and show mean ± SD. **p < 0.01, Student’s t test.