The NETest is a gene expression assay that measures 51 NET marker mRNAs in blood using real-time PCR (left ellipse). The assay utilizes a multi-algorithmic analysis to quantify tumor-related expression of gene clusters (right ellipse). NETest output is a score scaled 0-100 that represents the risk of NET disease. A normal score is ≤20, stable disease is 21-40 and progressive disease is 41-100. The assay has >90% sensitivity and specificity for a NET diagnosis. The 51 NETest genes are comprised of “14 omes.” These include the apoptome (apoptosis: n=3 genes), epigenome (epigenetic regulation: n=7), fibrosome (fibrosis: n=4 genes), growth factor signalome (RAS-RAF signaling: n=4), inflammasome (inflammatory response: n=4), metabolome (metabolic function: n=3), metastasome (metastatic progression: n=7), NEDome (neuroendocrine-like differentiation in cancers: n=21), neurome (neural-related genes: n=17), plurome (pluripotency: n=2), proliferome (regulation of proliferation: n=4), secretome (secretion: n=4), SSTRome (somatostatin receptor expression: n=4) and Tfome (transcriptional regulatory factors: n=3). Omic cluster analysis provides biological information that can be used to characterize the clinical behavior of an individual tumor.