Fig. 1.
In vitro efficacy of the drugs against protoscoleces (PSCs). (A) Viability of PSCs during 24 days of in vitro treatment with albendazole sulfoxide (ABZSO) and water-soluble and ethanolic extracts of Capparis spinosa fruit. Data are the mean ± standard deviation (SD) of three independent experiments. PSCs incubated in complete culture medium containing 1% DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide) served as a solvent group. PSCs incubated in complete medium (no added drugs) served as a negative control (NC). * Statistically significant difference (P<0.05) compared with solvent group. (B) Light microscopy of PSCs incubated in vitro for 24 days with DMSO, ABZSO and water-soluble and ethanolic extracts of C. spinosa fruit. PSCs incubated in complete culture medium containing 1% DMSO served as a solvent group. Red arrows indicate representative dead PSCs, black arrows indicate representative surviving PSCs.