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. 2022 Apr 4;12(4):e057846. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-057846

Table 2.

Reported COVID-19 exposures and PCR outcomes among school staff

Variable N* Completed questionnaire (n=1689)
COVID-19-like symptoms†, n (%) 1688 664 (39.3%)
Number tested for COVID-19 (PCR), n (%) 1688 760 (45.0%)
 At least one positive COVID-19 viral test 24 (1.4%)
 More than one positive COVID-19 viral test 1 (0.01%)
 All negative COVID-19 viral test 715 (42.4%)
 Did not know/Could not remember test result 21 (1.2%)
Hospitalised for COVID-19, n (%) 1683 3 (0.2%)
Type of occupation for essential worker living in household, n (%) 1671 619 (37.0%)
 Agriculture and food production 7 (0.4%)
 Community services (sewage and water treatment, waste disposal) 10 (0.6%)
 Construction, maintenance, skilled trades 77 (4.6%)
 Consumer products (hardware, safety, vehicle, sales, garden centres) 9 (0.5%)
 Financial services (banking, real estate, insurance) 19 (1.1%)
 Food (grocery, convenience, liquor, restaurant) 67 (4.0%)
 Healthcare 99 (5.9%)
 Social services, education, research 244 (14.6%)
 Manufacturing, resources, energy, utilities 21 (1.3%)
 Services (pharmacy, gas station, delivery, funeral, vet, etc) 13 (0.8%)
 Sports (professional) 0
 Supply chain and transportation 19 (1.1%)
 Telecommunications and IT (including the media) 16 (1.0%)
 Other 84 (5.0%)
COVID-19 case among other household members‡, % yes, n (%) 1688 51 (3.0%)
Reported close contact with a COVID-19 case outside household (within 2 m and for >2 min), n (%) 1686 363 (21.5%)
 Another school staff member/work colleague 133 (7.9%)
 Student in classroom setting 145 (8.6%)
 Family (non-household member) 46 (2.7%)
 Friend 84 (5.0%)
 Unknown 26 (1.5%)
Wear a mask in public places§, % always or often, n (%) 1685 1677 (98.5%)
Co-workers wear masks§, % always or usually, n (%) 1682 1635 (97.2%)
Students wear masks§, % always or usually, n (%)
 Elementary 1058 359 (33.9%)
 Secondary 465 431 (92.7%)
Completed serology testing, n (%) 1689 1556 (92.1%)

*N with data available.

†Any of the following: headache, cough, fever, sore throat, shortness of breath, sore muscles, diarrhoea, decrease sense of smell (specify period). “Did you have any of the following symptoms between January 2020 and present?”

‡"Has anyone in your household (not counting yourself) ever tested positive for COVID-19? ((yes), (not applicable, I live alone), (no one has been tested), (no, they tested negative), (not sure, waiting for the result))”.

§Questions about masking were as follows: “How often have you worn a mask in public places in the past 3 months? (never, rarely, occasionally, often, always)”; “To the best of your knowledge, how often do your co-workers wear a mask in your presence? (never, occasionally, usually, always)”; “To the best of your knowledge, how often do students in your school wear a mask in your presence? (never, occasionally, usually, always)”.